Region: Central America

What are the strategies employed by the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) and other international funding agencies to enhance local capacity in the Andean region?
What should be the essential elements of evidence-based policy interventions aimed at curbing the circulation of military-style rifles and promoting regional security in Latin America?
What are the most important barriers to low-cost green technology diffusion across developing countries?
What are the practices, social relations and power relations to social reproduction within the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE)? What is the contribution of SSE to the renewal of public action and policies in the field of production and social reproduction?
How is the plurality of urban cultural heritage perceived and how is it taken into account in the urban development in Beijing, Mexico and Rome?
What are the environmental, health and regulatory dimensions of pesticide use in agriculture in low- and middle-income countries?
What are the recent trends of non-core multilateral aid ? To what extent do they threaten aid effectiveness through an increased fragmentation and proliferation of funds ?
What are the key norms in the treatment of migrant detainees and how can academics and practitioners measure the construction and adherence to these norms?