Discipline: Political Science

Which types of intertemporal cost distributions are likely to find majority support in industrialised emitter countries?
What are the individual-level attitudes towards foreigners and how do they change over time towards immigration?
Do donors respond to the ebbs and flows of a peace process or is their behavior motivated by other factors that are exogenous to events within the conflict-torn country?
What are the impacts of LSLA on the local food system and how do they affect the decision-making processes of both men and women regarding household food security ?
To what extent does the promotion of intra-regional trade help reduce conflicts in the Middle East, Sub-Saharan Africa and South America?
What forms do intersectional human rights violations and multiple discrimination take and how could the United Nations’ human rights protection mechanisms better address these issues?
How can raising awareness, better prevention and treatment help individuals suffering from Noma, the “neglected disease”?
What is the role of large-scale extractive investments in the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals and their contradictory dynamics?