Host Institution: University of Geneva

What are the recent trends of non-core multilateral aid ? To what extent do they threaten aid effectiveness through an increased fragmentation and proliferation of funds ?
To what extent can globalized economies offer increased opportunities to their populations in different socio-economic domains?
To what extent can regional governance architectures of mountainous areas contribute to achieving the Millenium Development Goals in terms of integration of sustainable development principles and of reduction of biodiversity loss?
How can a capability based approach help explain the widening gap in development and what insights can be derived to combat poverty efficiently?
What are the roles played by migrant organisations in the context of transnational Senegalese migration, integration and development?
What are the political gains from trade agreements and what is their economic value in turn?
What are the conditions under which deaths in custody should be investigated and how can they be prevented?
What are the opportunities and limits of bilateral talks between Switzerland and Europe? Could a single framework agreement bring together the existing treaties?
How do emotions and cultural differences affect communication in multi-linguistic negotiations?