To what extend do information and communicaton technologies contribute to sustainable macroeconomic development? What is the influence of foreign investment?
What are the interactions between agroecological and indigenous territories – potential collaborations and possible conflicts?
Which types of intertemporal cost distributions are likely to find majority support in industrialised emitter countries?
What role can product development partnerships play in order to improve access to medicines for neglected diseases?
How do green public spaces meet the human needs and contribute to the societal wellbeing in urban settings and according to cultural context and across social groups?
What are the legal obligations to protect and assist persons with disabilities during conflict and what are the policies and practices required to put these obligations into effect?
What are the practices, social relations and power relations to social reproduction within the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE)? What is the contribution of SSE to the renewal of public action and policies in the field of production and social reproduction?
What are the recent trends of non-core multilateral aid ? To what extent do they threaten aid effectiveness through an increased fragmentation and proliferation of funds ?
What should be the essential elements of evidence-based policy interventions aimed at curbing the circulation of military-style rifles and promoting regional security in Latin America?
Which types of international environmental cooperation are likely to have long-term prospects in democracies and which will not?
What are the experiences of recently arrived Afghans in Europe and how is the understanding of home, belonging and the ‘self ‘shaped by gender? How does this understanding affect their capacity and willingness to engage with development in Afghanistan?
What are the effects of the financialisation of the commodity trading on local lives and what are the policy recommendations to be drawn for Swiss and international regulatory actors?
How does rural-to-urban migration generated by climate change affect urbanization? What are the economic and political settings that contribute to or impede the emergence of political violence and conflicts?
What are the generalised, large scale factors of the environment-migration relationship and to what extent is it conditional on various individual, socio-economic, and political factors?
When and how does increasing market power translate into regulatory power to shape the rules of international trade?
What are the motivations and expectations of highly-qualified young people from developing countries for leaving their country and what are the alternatives?
What are the barriers and opportunities for compost-based urban farming and gardening in Dschang, Cameroon and Lausanne, Switzerland?
To what extent does violence against civilians by armed actors increase the risk of conflict escalation and civil war?
What are the challenges of the gig economy in terms of social dialogue and workers’ protection?
To what extent can globalized economies offer increased opportunities to their populations in different socio-economic domains?
What are the political orders put in place by rebel movements and how do they influence the post-war state formation?
What are the consumption patterns of the growing middle classes in emerging countries? What are the environmental and social impacts of these practices? How can more sustainable consumption pathways be reached?
What are the best political and institutional responses in case of fiscal crisis?