Theme: #8 Decent work and economic growth

What are the regulatory frameworks for goods, labor, and financial markets that can create an economy that operates within planetary limits and principles of social equity?
What is the relationship between teleworking and well being?
What are the driving factors behind the (lack) of response of the health sector to violence against women and girls in Tirana, Albania and Minas Gerais, Brazil?
What factors influence a private company’s choice to implement a Disability Management Program and what are the perceived benefits/drawbacks of such a program?
What are the life trajectories of children of refugees born in Europe in terms of cultural and social identity and what are their educational and employment experiences?
What are the challenges faced by medical and food companies, by humanitarian IOs and NGOs that deliver food and medicine to heavily sanctioned countries?
What are the mechanisms of differential inclusion and segregation of migrant workers in the agro-industrial labour markets?
What are the challenges of the gig economy in terms of social dialogue and workers’ protection?
What are the causes and the consequences of labour provisions in preferential trade agreements?
To what extent does the fit between personal values and the organizational values of an IO foster the working motivation of its employees and volunteers?