Discipline: History

How did attempts at sanitary control impact the emergence of borders between countries?
What are the individual-level attitudes towards foreigners and how do they change over time towards immigration?
What is the involvement of corporations in symbolic reparations (SR) in Colombia, Germany and South Africa?
What are the challenges of the gig economy in terms of social dialogue and workers’ protection?
What are the political orders put in place by rebel movements and how do they influence the post-war state formation?
How is the plurality of urban cultural heritage perceived and how is it taken into account in the urban development in Beijing, Mexico and Rome?
Why was no multilateral regulation against capital flight and international tax evasion implemented between 1945 and 1970?
What are the factors that lead states and transnational actors to choose between formal intergovernmental organisations, informal intergovernmental organisations and transnational governance networks to structure their interactions and govern global problems?
What are the legal obligations to protect and assist persons with disabilities during conflict and what are the policies and practices required to put these obligations into effect?