What are the experiences of recently arrived Afghans in Europe and how is the understanding of home, belonging and the ‘self ‘shaped by gender? How does this understanding affect their capacity and willingness to engage with development in Afghanistan?
What are the challenges of infertility in terms of public health concerns and social marginalisation in resource-poor settings in Nepal and India?
How can social network analysis help in understanding resilience to global environmental changes in the isolated mountain and Arctic island communities?
What are the impacts of LSLA on the local food system and how do they affect the decision-making processes of both men and women regarding household food security ?
To what extent do institutional reforms and participation mechanism increase the external stakeholder input in formal and informal governance arrangements?
What are the corporate citizenship approaches of Swiss medium sized enterprises and large multinational corporations in their participation to the UN Global Compact?
What drives the position of sexually transmitted infections on global policy agendas?
What are the key norms in the treatment of migrant detainees and how can academics and practitioners measure the construction and adherence to these norms?
What are the complex relationships between Schistosomiasis, agricultural production, and migration in an African context?
What is the Aedes ecology and, related to it, people’s knowledge, attitudes, behaviour and practice?
How can a neurological look at the dynamics of emotions in general and fear in particular help finding better strategies in conflict prevention and / or resolution?
How do emotions and cultural differences affect communication in multi-linguistic negotiations?
What are the effects of cross-border refugee flows and the possible spread of conflicts in host countries taking into account ethnical linkages?
How are power-sharing agreements adopted and what implementation challenges impede their functioning?
What are the best political and institutional responses in case of fiscal crisis?
Can violent conflict caused by inequality motivate those in power to reduce income and asset disparities?
How can a capability based approach help explain the widening gap in development and what insights can be derived to combat poverty efficiently?
What are the life trajectories of children of refugees born in Europe in terms of cultural and social identity and what are their educational and employment experiences?
What are the recent trends of non-core multilateral aid ? To what extent do they threaten aid effectiveness through an increased fragmentation and proliferation of funds ?
What are the linkages between climate change, economic growth and conflict?
Which types of international environmental cooperation are likely to have long-term prospects in democracies and which will not?
How can developing countries compensate for their limited power resources by deploying successful strategies in the context of climate change compensation negotiations?
How can new institutional arrangements help reconcile livelihood-relevant factors of local populations with the UN program for Reducing Emissions for Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD)?
Do donors respond to the ebbs and flows of a peace process or is their behavior motivated by other factors that are exogenous to events within the conflict-torn country?
How can raising awareness, better prevention and treatment help individuals suffering from Noma, the “neglected disease”?
To what extent does violence against civilians by armed actors increase the risk of conflict escalation and civil war?